His collective works reflect Andy Hall’s curious processes explored in the studio while questioning the theoretical possibilities of materials and forms.
In his latest works, Hall explores the relationship between materials—steel, glass, silk, wood, paper, pigments—and time. Hall engineers objects to represent time, and in this very reversibility, time materializes. Time embodies space, one with which we may interact. Hall achieves this through careful planning and structuring. He creates durational drawings at two, four, six, and eight hour intervals; crafts protective chambers for artifacts; translates metered rhythms into patterned shapes. The result is elegantly simple: just as time is serialized, space is structured. Time and space mirror each other.
Based in Chicago, the contemporary American artist Andy Hall earned his Bachelors of Design from University of Kansas and his Masters of Fine Arts from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He develops objects and exhibition designs for renowned sites including The Contemporary Art Museum of Raleigh; Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Art Museum in Memphis, Chicago Cultural Center since the opening of his studio in 2000.