Potions, Alan Prazniak

August 3 - October 6, 2024

Geary is pleased to present Potions, a new exhibition by Alan Prazniak.

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Featuring new paintings on canvas and cardboard, Prazniak continues to explore landscapes with extracted forms and saturated colors. The exhibition opens Saturday, August 3, 2024 from 3-5p and is on view through October 6, 2024. Potions is Prazniak’s fourth solo exhibition with the gallery.

The work is accompanied by a poem by Paul Legault titled What a Landscape Says to You:

What a Landscape Says to You

Just saying, quit asking me what’s wrong when I’m singing

to a dog or myself or a flower — or looking

like this sort of music you take in with your wet eyes.

Metal glints, and salt dissolves, and you/

I drink it up like a tongue to sweat in your mustache

or greens bombarding each other kaleidoscopically.

You disturbed a hawk on its peak, a sound like someone

getting up — to fly. A wedding:

word to thought. Nothing’s blue. Everything’s blue-ish. Place blue

stones on a tree stump precariously. Give the ghosts

something to knock over with the wind, this breathing-out-

to-let-the-body-cool feeling.

-Paul Legault

Alan Prazniak was born in 1985 and was raised on a horse farm in rural Pennsylvania.

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Alan Prazniak

The artist received a BFA from Tyler School of Art at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and an MFA from Rutgers in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Prazniak’s work has been shown at: Geary in New York City; Hesse Flatow in New York City; Kristen Lorello in New York City; and Silvermine Galleries in New Canaan, Connecticut; among others. Prazniak has also shown work with Geary at Untitled Art Fair Miami Beach in 2021, NADA Miami in 2019, and Untitled San Francisco in 2019. Prazniak’s work has been covered in Artform, Forbes, Whitehot Magazine, Two Coats of Paint and Flaunt Magazine, among others. Prazniak lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.


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A Lavender Horizon Laden With Hazy Moments of Discovery

Surface Mag | August 19, 2024

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