Featuring new paintings on canvas and cardboard, Prazniak continues to explore landscapes with extracted forms and saturated colors. The exhibition opens Saturday, August 3, 2024 from 3-5p and is on view through October 6, 2024. Potions is Prazniak’s fourth solo exhibition with the gallery.
The work is accompanied by a poem by Paul Legault titled What a Landscape Says to You:
What a Landscape Says to You
Just saying, quit asking me what’s wrong when I’m singing
to a dog or myself or a flower — or looking
like this sort of music you take in with your wet eyes.
Metal glints, and salt dissolves, and you/
I drink it up like a tongue to sweat in your mustache
or greens bombarding each other kaleidoscopically.
You disturbed a hawk on its peak, a sound like someone
getting up — to fly. A wedding:
word to thought. Nothing’s blue. Everything’s blue-ish. Place blue
stones on a tree stump precariously. Give the ghosts
something to knock over with the wind, this breathing-out-
to-let-the-body-cool feeling.
-Paul Legault